Laodicea - About Us

We endeavor to present the Life, Light and Love of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ to the local community and beyond. (Matthew 5:14 NKJV - You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. - Jesus) .
It is also our desire to live and teach a lifestyle of worship, totally committed to God in holiness and integrity. (Heb. 12:14 BSB - Pursue peace with all men, as well as holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.)
We endeavor to be a place of healing (both emotional and physical), a place of fellowship, restoration, hope, strengthening of individuals and families. Here you can also expect to connect to and experience the presence of the Lord for spiritual empowerment.
This church was established by the late great Bishop Clemond Allen Sr., a man of God mighty in the word and in the power of the Holy Spirit. The church was started some 4o years ago and has continued under new pastors since 2015, still preaching the good news of the Kingdom.
The church physical address is currently 6 Parkway Blvd, Wyandanch NY 11798 where services are held on the lower level. The upper level praise, prayer and worship space (the Sanctuary) is still under construction. We are continuing this work with the help of the Lord through Tithes and Offerings and the generous donations of those who feel led to partner with us in Kingdom building.
In 2012, State Elder Wayne Daniels Sr. was moved by the Holy Spirit to help the then ailing Bishop Clemond Allen Sr. In 2013, Bishop Allen transitioned to heaven and in 2015, Elder Wayne Daniels Sr. was installed as Pastor of Laodicea Church and Evangelist Amelia Daniels was appointed Assistant Pastor soon thereafter.
As we continue this work of Kingdom building, we have the unique opportunity to sow seed into the Kingdom of God. Your seed will go into good ground! Thank you in advance for joining us in this effort. Our prayer is that God will bless you 100 times in return blessings to your body (health and prosperity), soul and spirit (your inner man being) built up and strengthened.
It is also our desire to live and teach a lifestyle of worship, totally committed to God in holiness and integrity. (Heb. 12:14 BSB - Pursue peace with all men, as well as holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.)
We endeavor to be a place of healing (both emotional and physical), a place of fellowship, restoration, hope, strengthening of individuals and families. Here you can also expect to connect to and experience the presence of the Lord for spiritual empowerment.
This church was established by the late great Bishop Clemond Allen Sr., a man of God mighty in the word and in the power of the Holy Spirit. The church was started some 4o years ago and has continued under new pastors since 2015, still preaching the good news of the Kingdom.
The church physical address is currently 6 Parkway Blvd, Wyandanch NY 11798 where services are held on the lower level. The upper level praise, prayer and worship space (the Sanctuary) is still under construction. We are continuing this work with the help of the Lord through Tithes and Offerings and the generous donations of those who feel led to partner with us in Kingdom building.
In 2012, State Elder Wayne Daniels Sr. was moved by the Holy Spirit to help the then ailing Bishop Clemond Allen Sr. In 2013, Bishop Allen transitioned to heaven and in 2015, Elder Wayne Daniels Sr. was installed as Pastor of Laodicea Church and Evangelist Amelia Daniels was appointed Assistant Pastor soon thereafter.
As we continue this work of Kingdom building, we have the unique opportunity to sow seed into the Kingdom of God. Your seed will go into good ground! Thank you in advance for joining us in this effort. Our prayer is that God will bless you 100 times in return blessings to your body (health and prosperity), soul and spirit (your inner man being) built up and strengthened.